"February 11th, 2012, my son came into the world and gave me another level of happiness and reason as to what my outcome in life is going to be in his eyes. My daddy always told me to go to school, keep a job, or go to the military, so I can figure out what I needed to do with my life and stay in my lane. He raised me himself, right there at 4214 Greenwood, until I graduated high school. He raised me to be a man." - Mr. Winston, Park DuValle
"In May of 2016, I went to the Healing Place and got sober. I've been sober since then. Recovery is strong, especially down here in the west end. In Louisville, period, there's like four hundred fifty something meetings a week. It's like the recovery capital of the country. It's a big deal, man. It's a lot going on, down here. Heroin is such an epidemic, you know what I mean, so why wouldn't it be? Homelessness drove me to recovery. My family told me that I couldn't come around because they didn't want me around their kids and around their stuff. I got tired of sleeping on the street, sleeping outside. I wanted to do something different and get my life back in order. I'm 28 years old. Being homeless for the past 3 years, I had a life before that. I had a house. I had a 5 bedroom house in Bullitt County. I had a wife, I had the kids, I had everything, man. I was doing it. I gave it all away for the dope. I gave it away, it wasn't taken away. AA and the Healing Place taught me how to see my part in this shit, man. Our Father's House is like an extension. It's teaching me a lot about myself." - Robert, Russell
"Stay outta trouble. Stay out the way. As far as I know, this city is the trenches." - Adrian, Russell
"We've been here for 47 years. We love the area. We're right next to the golf course and near the parks. We really enjoy the area in which we're in. We met at the movies. That's when he let me know that he knew who I was. I didn't know him We were in class together, in college. He was in my math class, clownin! I was afraid of him and I made sure that I sat in the front. He was in back in the back with his friends and they gave the professor the blues. I was poor and dignified. I was a poor girl but I carried myself like a lady." - Walter & Pernilla Smith, Shawnee
"Love the next person because you're never guaranteed to live the next day, you might as well love everybody you know. Simple as that. I love everyone I encounter, everybody I work with, everybody I know. That's all you got to give to people other than money. You got to love them." - Eflen, Portland
Cecil & Greenwood, Chickasaw
"Follow your dreams and don't ever give up. It's always gonna be rough but stick with it. There's alway hope." - Antonio, Park DuValle