"Have full understanding. We need to get together and become one. Unity makes strength, all the time, man. I came out of Brooklyn, coming from the islands, straight out to Brooklyn in 1974. In our building, we were the only blacks, everyone else was Chinese. We got along just fine. I lived on Lincoln Rd. and everybody on the block played together. The girls would jump double dutch and the boys would study Kung-Fu. The whole block studied Kung-Fu together. We'd go to Prospect Park, which was two blocks away. We did everything together. We'd have a block party together. If you were from another neighborhood and you was trying to chuck, it'll be trouble. That's unity, no matter what color the people or race. Here in the west, we need to unite and respect one another. I don't know what he was saying, when the governor said that we need to walk around the neighborhood and pray. Man, we've been praying. Back then, we were more together and everyone knew each other. We need that in the west. Again, we have to have respect for one another. The young people also need to have respect for the elders.
You know what else? You don't see any vegetable or fruit stands. And guess what? All the chemicals in the food is killing us. They took the Pic Pac out and put in a dollar store. If you look at every corner, you see a dollar store. If it's not a dollar store, it's a pawn shop. If it's not a pawn shop, you see al liquor store. Young people are getting raised on a bag of chips and cookies. I say unite and change that.
Love one another and show respect. I like the West End, man. I don't care what they say. I like being around my people." - Joseph, Russell