
"The key to happiness is family, love, and staying positive. If you have a positive attitude, you're going to be happy. Have a good outlook on things and have respect for one another. Life's too short to be angry all the time. If you're going to hav…

"The key to happiness is family, love, and staying positive. If you have a positive attitude, you're going to be happy. Have a good outlook on things and have respect for one another. Life's too short to be angry all the time. If you're going to have a good day, it's your attitude that determines your good days. 

Don't kick people while they're down. If that's your brother, don't kick him while he's down, help him up. Iron's sharp as iron. If I know something that I can teach my sister and she can teach my nephew, I'll put it out there. Help one another out. I'll reach out for you because I love you. We ride, we die.  Help somebody out. 

The West needs more community centers and less liquor stores. We need people to stop littering. Start an organization to get all of these kids something to do. Teach people about financial literacy in the community. That's stuff that they don't teach in school." - Pat, Alex & Jay, California