
“We were raised out there by U of L and it was called the bottoms. It was an all black area. That’s where we was raised up at and then U of L started buying up all the property. We ended up moving to the West End when I was 12. It was different…

“We were raised out there by U of L and it was called the bottoms. It was an all black area. That’s where we was raised up at and then U of L started buying up all the property. We ended up moving to the West End when I was 12. It was different because it was a bigger area but we got to meet a bunch of different people. We were the second black family on Dearborn Ave.

I remember the riots. One of our friends was killed and it was a racial thing. It was really supposed to be a gathering, like a rally, but it ended up being more. The riot caused them to close down all of 28th Street. My job was on 28th and Greenwood and we had to shut it down.

My advice to world? Trust and believe in God.” - Margie, Shawnee