“I like the West End. It just makes me feel like I’m home. I haven’t had a negative experience. Nobody’s every robbed me or anything like that. It’s been good. I even love that my daughter can grow up and be around people that look like her.
One of my favorite places in the West is the Urban League. I love that place. It has been an amazing place for me and my daughter. Everything you need, no matter what, you can get it there. We need more places like the Urban League. We need more places that really take care of the people within the community. If we had more places that focus on the youth, the homeless, and mental health, we would have a better community.
My goal is to have a place and program that’ll help get the youth off the streets. I’m trying to figure out how to do that and then I’ll execute. I want to have a place where the homeless youth can come to and focus on something positive and have another outlet.
I want people to be more positive and do everything with love. Know that there are good people out here and not everybody’s negative. Smile more and show more love.” - Nisha (pictured with daughter, Mykah), Russell