“All we want is justice but when you know just as much as them, they don’t like that. They start to get disgruntled and all that. Back in the day, you couldn’t have anything without an army. You couldn’t have a community without an army. You couldn’t have a church without an army. No matter what it is, you have to have some type of protection. African Americans, in general, need to start policing the community and hold the police accountable. If not policing the police, protect yourself by knowing what you can and can’t do and know the laws. We just have to have that knowledge and we’ll be straight. You gotta know what they know.
We need to start getting in these books. We need to start reading and getting knowledge so that we can know what it is that we can and can’t do. Stop letting people tell what you can and can’t do, you have to know! You need to know your rights, as an American. Americans need to know the law and the constitution and not what the media tells you because there’s a lot of fake news and a lot of propaganda. You need to know for yourself. Knowledge is key, knowledge is power. That’s all people need to know.” - JP, Parkland